Friday, December 11, 2009

Does applying some isoprophyl alcohol (50% alcohol) kill zits? If it does, will it scar ot anything like that?

I just often get that zit or two that ruins everything lol, and I think I remember hearing that applying alcohol to a zit kills it, so I went to Dollarama and got this stuff called ';Solution with Isopropyl Alcohol'; it is 50% by volume and I'm wondering if maybe A)this stuff is the same as alcohol and B) if it is actually ok to apply to a zit and won;t result in a scar.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks a lot!Does applying some isoprophyl alcohol (50% alcohol) kill zits? If it does, will it scar ot anything like that?
Rubbing alcohol usually dries out a pimple pretty fast.

As for scarring...

I know that a lot of piercing proffessionals say not to clean a piercing with Rubbing Alcohol or Hydorgen Peroxide because it can delay the healing process which can lead to scarring. I'm not sure if this applies to acne scarring but I still use rubbing alcohol on pimples. They key is to use it on the pimple until it has dried out and then stop as you don't want to dry out the surrounding skin. I don't think it'll scar as long as you don't pop it but if you're worried, put some Vitamin E (oil, cream, or ointment) on it once the swelling has gone down.Does applying some isoprophyl alcohol (50% alcohol) kill zits? If it does, will it scar ot anything like that?
It will dry out the area, but you would be better off with a pimple cream.

The alcohol will remove the essential oils from your skin, causing even more problems.

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